Wednesday, August 30, 2006


So I had an opportunity to spend an hour and a half with PT, coach, bike fitter and all around nice guy Curtis Cramblett today.
I won a set of primes at Albany this summer for a bike fit( the biggest payday this MOP er has ever gotten, and a reason I'll be back to that little four corner deathmatch- see Nome's rant on this subject)
Curtis was good on his word, and so I took a trip down to San Ho today to have him take a look at my gimpy ditch digger ass on a bike.
Very, very systematic approach. I was able to understand what we were talking about the whole time, and we will be making some incremental changes over the next few months, provided I do the work required.
20 years in a ditch has beat me up a little, apparently, and I could use a little more work on the core and hammies.
Who knew a foam roller and a tennis ball could bring a grown man to his knees, and fix him up at the same time?
Gotta go suck up for my massage now, send me happy thoughts........


Merkeley Bike said...

Foam Roller + IT band = Pure Pain

diskzero said...

Pure pain for sure.  The french fry has caused many tears of anguish. 

Dr. Xeno said...

hmm, I'll have to add that to my 'Swiss Ball' routine.