Thursday, August 31, 2006

One year later

I stayed up late last night watching When The Levees Broke.

At least the first two acts.

I hope that no one is under the illusion that when the big quake comes, that help will be forthcoming from the government.

We will see which local leaders truly have the right stuff (questionable in my mind at best)

We will see unknown heroes.

Just don't expect help. We are busy elsewhere in the world feeding people and delivering water.

It makes me wonder how much of what happened was truly politics, class and racial differences as opposed to simple ineptitude.

I volunteered to go to the Big Easy last year for a month straight. Ready to go, leaving in two weeks, the whole effort was cancelled." FEMA won't pay" , I was told." They have a private contractor working on it for twice the cost".
Sound familiar?
Worse was the response of many of my coworkers- " Dude, you could get sick!", and my favorite- " they say the French Quarter is up and running, what, we won't be allowed to leave? Aw hell no!"

I always wondered, how would they feel if N.O. decided they couldn't come for us due to funding concerns? If their families were wandering around lost?

Watch it, then go out and buy some bottled water.

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