Tuesday, October 10, 2006

New Toy

So I bought Miz C. a new HRM for her birthday.
Sez she- I wanna see how fast I run, how long I run.
We look at Garmin and try one but I'm not liking the water resistance of the thing, as well as the spotty satellite reception under the trees deal.
So I hit E-bay and pick her up a Polar 625x.
This is very similar to OG buyin his first wife a shotgun when they lived outside of Duluth. She might shoot a bird or two, but we all know who really used that shootin' iron.
This thing does all, run speed and distance, bike stuff, available power meter, IR connection.
So I was able to "borrow" it today for my first hard intervals of the cross season.
MAybe I'm a little behind the curve on my training plan for cross, seems like everyone else in the B's has been sharpening the knives since June or some gawdamn thing.
Me, I'm having trouble pushing the accelerator to the floor right now.
But anyhow, I keep looking at WWWoos' world and although I only understand a little of all that graphing, the whole concept of Total Stress Score is very interesting to me. I have a sneaking suspicion I'm overnuking myself lightly all year and may need some kind of graph/number to calm myself down.
Anyhow, I like all the lines, it makes me feel like I'm doing something. And the altitude feature is something that I always thought was stupid, just kind of a ego-stroking number.
But when you put in on a graph with all the other feedback, pretty cool.
Miz C ran the R an R half mary Sunday, while we were all abusing ourselves in some weedwhacked old lot in E- side SJ.
Who was smarter?
I dunno, both involved pain, though I can walk down stairs and she still has the hobble on Wednesday.
I like looking at her graph.
Me = nosy.

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