Saturday, July 08, 2006

Rest Week........

and it's gonna kill me.
No doubt I needed it, 3 weeks of miles, intervals, climbs had my legs just frickin' sore. I couldn't get my HR up anymore cause my legs wouldn't move fast enuff.
Now if I could only REST in the rest week I'd be cool. 2 yard work sessions, sprinkler repair, door repair, blah blah. Gashed the hell out of my knuckle last night when I just HAD to put a 56t pie plate on the km40. Tape measures and air tools are stating to come out all over the place, an idle mind is a dangerous thing. The life of a master's racer- I saw a quote from Chris Horner in Velosnooze Especial about" at this level, you don't walk dogs, wash cars, or clean up dogshit, you just train". Promptly showed it to Miz C., and in infallible spousal logic, it was pointed out there has been 45 bucks and a bottle of wine to show for this years' exploits, and if CH only had a bottle of wine to show for his efforts, he'd be cleanin' up a whole lotta dogshit.
On another note, it has been nice to hang with the family this week. Little C. is swimming really well at her new school, and the Alameda County Fair was fairly mellow this year, no massive nutritional debacles to report.
Looking forward to Taco Bell Hill tommorrow, then we are outta here for a while!
Oh yeah, I gotta figure out how to post pictures where I want em in the text, why is this eluding me? Maybe another rest week would help?

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