Wednesday, July 19, 2006

No Sulking Allowed

So day two started pretty good, most of the previous evening was spent trying to get some calories in and work out the cramps. My chest was very tight and the hamstrings were killing me, but I woke up refreshed and after popping my chest(old accident), things felt OK.
I got out to the TT course early and staked out a good spot. Probably should have rode it, I was a little suprised later.
Got in a good warmup and while still tight, was ready to go. Followed Nome in line and tried to keep him in sight, I had no HRM, so just went old-school, stayed on top of the gear and listened to my body. I had given all my aero goodies to Nate-dawg for the cause, so I felt no pressure. Nome rode a great TT, passing his 30 second man. I was watching the k's pass and figuring I had about 2k more to go when I came around a corner and there ya go.
Got 30th, not bad and opened up my chest and legs. Got a recovery drink and rode with the boys a bit, then went back to base camp and chilled with the girls.
Got downtown early and set up the tent, loosened up on the trainer and focused on stretching and hydrating.
GREAT COURSE, custom made for me, little incline, crosswind, technical chicane and traffic furniture, and a awesome crowd. It was announced there would be a time cut if you didn't make it halfway. causing a few nervous laughs from the back where somehow I ended up.
Race starts and I'm sitting pretty tailgunning it, out of the wind and looking for wheels. Those Oregon boys leave a little more room for each other, and I was real comfy going in 4 wide. Problem- my rear wheel starts shifting wonky and the guy behind me warns me my QR has come open. I'm not a big rule guy and cycling has a million rules,(whole nother' topic there.)
I pull into the top pit OTB and announce my skewer has a little problem, figuring I can fix it and take my free lap. Informed by the blue shirt about rule 7080.45A or something that involves negligence and no free lap.
Oh dear.
I get fixed up and chase the pack that is turning the corner 2 blocks away, get within 100 yards when they zoom away, maybe responding to Larsen/ Roemer or a bridge. not sure cause all I know is I need to last 20 more minutes without getting lapped. I rode as hard as I could, but the dogwalker and Mr. Clover were coming hard. Made it one more lap with a sprint, and realized I needed one more lap that was not there. I let them go( I understand THAT RULE) and got the Sicilian Throat Cut from the head ref, 2 minutes short of the time cut. Went back and bitched a little, but the blue shirts were having none of my stopping for safety's sake/ I drove 9 hours with 2 dogs in a trailer and my family in tow argument.
Watched the rest of the race after taking a minute to cool off, some hard racing by the geezers.
Little C had her race and ended up frustrated just like good old dad after getting cut off in turn one and losing about 10 spots- sounds like a few 4/5 races lately. Hugs and Tropi-wraps made it a little better for all, and we watched about half the pro race, just fantastic.
Health Net was impressive with the whole" we are gonna put the whole team up here and control move". Miz C was oh so happy when her personal dreamboat sprinter won the thing, and another day was done.

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