Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Movie Night

So we caught a goofy flick Saturday night- Rv. I would say so-so, unless you have experienced the complete madness that is strapping a whole family into a fiberglass box for 5 days. We actually like our little trailer, although since we got it, the rain hasn't stopped falling. Three trips so far, all in a biblical downpour. We have watched more movies and played more board games together than we have in a long time.


Merkeley Bike said...

I love this picture!

Those of us with roots near the Great Lakes know these stories well. I would guess there is a 'reef' of Lincolns out there left parked next to the fishing hole just a day too long.

Ron Castia said...

That pic reminds of a trip to Pismo when I was 8 or 9. My Dad used to build dune buggies and we spent a lot of time there. This one time there was a sunami in Japan, a huricane in Hawaii and the ocean was pissed off.
We drove the 4x4 with camper and buggy trailer as high into the dunes as we could go. The ocean still came up and lifted the trailer off of our hitch and proceeded to take it out to sea. Some friends (while floating out to sea) saved our buggy, but the trailer was lost forever.