Monday, August 20, 2007


I sleep in the day......

Back on the shift work, starting tonight.

I thought the grass was greener, but by January I wanted my old gig back. Took me 6 months to get the job back I struggled to get rid of :-)

Pack those commuter lights away....

Though I will miss my friends I wave at on the boulevard going north every morning. The recumbent dude, beard and baggies. The Red and yellow kitted guy ( synergy?) who actually waves back.

Sad to say a certain bunch refuses to wave and stares curiously...

Really, how threatening can a reflective vest over a backpack and a headlight on a giant Bell helmet be? Is it the creaking old cross bike that calls across the boulevard like a ancient Maori war cry, making eyes narrow and body parts shrink inside the spandex?

Have a good week, everyone!


nosajpalnud said...

I'm not much into waving, but try to getting a wave back from someone in your own kit on the ARBT - ha. We're makin' em exclusive to the race team next year...

Ron Castia said...

I attack all that don't wave.
Give a nod, a wink or at least wave the finger.
Show some solidarity for the two wheeled when rolling along.
Courtesy isn't much to ask for and at least one doesn't look like a jerkwad.

We Spideys have one of the best looking kits out there, we could be jerkwads and be stuck up, but waving and being nice is in the membership contract.

Johnny GoFast said...

There's actually a whole hierarchy of who has to wave and who doesn't:

-Road Pro's wave at no one but other RP's.
-Mtb Pro's only have to wave at other MtbP's and RP's.
-Cross Pro's only wave at other CxP's, MtbP's and RP's.
-Domestic Pro's wave at other DP's, RP's, MtbP's and CxP's.
-Cat 1's wave at other Cat 1's and then the above.
-Semi Pro Mtbers only wave at other SP Mtbers or the above.
-Cat 2's wave at other Cat 2's and then the above.
-Expert Mtbers only wave at other Exp Mtbers and then the above.
-Continue sequence through Cat 5 or Mtb Beginners.
-Recumbants and commuters only wave at other Recumbants and commuters or then the above.
-Unicyclists wave at other Unicyclists and then the above.

-Triathletes especially those that refer to themselves at such wave at everyone. Nobody waves back save other Triatheletes.

So now you know.

~ lauren said...

actually all mtbr & cyclocrossing men smile and wave to mtbr & cyclocrossing women.

at least in my experience.

bike commuters always seem to wave to other commuting women - again, in my experience.

but road racers - yeah there's that silly "hi" erarchy thing.

Gianni said...

The crossers- all wave.
Especially when I was doing intervals with my backpack on going home over Diablo. Big smile wave.
Women wave.
The hierarchy is silly to me.

But then I used "proletariat" in a sentence the other day while suffering up MTR, so maybe it's the pinko tendencies :-)

Groove Talking... said...

I wave and stuff. Once this mt bike dude was rude, so I jumped on and sucked his wheel. He was cursing me but I just smiled and held on until we went our separate ways. Ahhhh that was a good day!