Friday, January 25, 2008

Rest week

40 degrees and getting ready to snow up on Skyline and Snake tonight,wind in the 20's already, next big storm rolling in, you can feel it, it should hit around 0400, damn cold even with 3 layers on.

A good time to blow off the calorie restriction a little and pick up some caldo tlapeno from Taco Zamorano on Foothill.

Rest weeks suck cause I love to eat and eat a lot.

But chicken, potatoes, carrots, rice, and corn tortillas are good foods for the soul.

And the soul needs a little comfort on a night like tonight.


Ron Castia said...

If I had half a sprint, I would consider joining you.
But no riding means 1500 calorie intake per day.

X Bunny said...

gotta feed the soul

Gianni said...

I hear of denying oneself good food and I honestly question the worth in that.
At least for me, that's a little to far down the rabbit hole.
I'm the first to say I could use to drop a couple of kilos, and counting the calories has worked very very well, but it some ways to eat more on the big days and make smart choices on the no training days.
An interesting thing I noticed since I've started keeping a log again, I eat almost the same amount every day, within a couple hundred calories, but almost always within 3000- 3400.
The difference is when I'm training I'm running a 500-700 calorie deficit.

And Nome, that Galibier ride has got to be worth a solid 800 calories, no?