Tuesday, March 27, 2007


It's been a big week for me, not only was Hanford my last race as a four, but my Level 3 USAC coaching application was approved as well!

In a strange way, the category upgrade has been kind of just unnerving, rather than satisfying. I know exactly what I'm getting into, and still got into it.
Big jump, here I come!

The coaching license everyone derides as a book test, but have you read that book?
I did, twice.
I actually thought the sections on coaching children very informative, not a area that I have any expertise in at all, save for Little C's ice cream league soccer team, but an excellent set of pointers one can use with any new athlete.

Anyhow two days into the big break and still no bikey for Gianni, thoug I believe tommorrow the Sprints will see my face, but only to do some skills work and hang for a while with the folks....


Johnny GoFast said...

Hat's off to you! Enjoy the supersonic category. Remember, the speed and level will only make you a much better rider. Griff upgraded a few years ago and we were similar in speed. Now, he has a jet strapped to his back and I'm still floundering in the 4's. See you soon enough and we can both be crosseyed at the back. Congrats.

Chico Cyclist said...

Okay Coach Gianni - sign me up! Congratulations Dude - that's awesome - a 3 and a Coach all in the same week. Killer fun!

So, how much for your coaching services?? Like, I don't wanna become supersonic Mr. Racer Race or anything......but I definitely wanna give Olaf a run for his money at Nevada City.

Just kidding.

Sort of.

Gianni said...

Dude, If I had a super secret way to beat Olaf right now...
There would be a whole lotta rich masters' bike racers trying to hand me truckloads of cash.
That dude is rollin' haaard right now.
But I would be happy to help you plan some stuff out.
And JS- your a beast and will be there soon as well.

Steven Woo said...

Congrats on the upgrade. I wish I had the talent!

Do have a leg up on you in the coaching department, though, I was a level 2 until I let the license lapse.

Chico Cyclist said...

Sign my ass up and send me a bill!! OR.....send me a bill and then sign my ass up!

Olaf - that guy is starting to resemble like he's not human. Sprinty sprints, lunchervals, racey races, crossin'.....the dude just never slows down. He's like the Energizer bunny - but faster! And now, he's talkin' Hellyer. Damn. Must be that Bella coffee or somethin'. Or donuts.

X Bunny said...

when i saw the 3
immediately the star trek-next generation episode that they were caught in a time loop where the enterprise was destroyed over and over.....