Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Houses of pain II

Time to hunker down and torture myself a bit indoors..... All used other peoples' junk in this HOP, a old TACX set up ,just for me, a Craigslist track bike jumbled together, and a hand-me-down TV in the corner.
The weights and Concept 2 I got in a blind auction when a company down the street closed.
Turn up the tunes, move some laundry to the side, and get down.

Coach Troy killing me with a oldie but goodie VHS tape today- yessss.


beth bikes! said...

did you really hook up xmas music to your blog?

Gianni said...

Hi Beth,

Why that Mariah Carey song makes me so happy, I don't know, but I always get a smile on my face listening to it.

I'll have to change the song next week when everybody gets tired of it.

Happy Holidaze!

Johnny GoFast said...

Concept 2 as in a rowing ergometer? Cause if that's the case, whatever you paid in a blind auction, is way too much. Those machines should be taken down to Gidmo and used to torture prisoners...er...I mean detainees. As you can tell, I used to row and spent wayyyyy too many hours on one of those diabolical punishments to mankind.

Ron Castia said...

I think it makes you happy because you are picturing Mariah Carey singing it naked.


LQMS (Laughing Quietly to Myself)

Gianni said...

I did pay too much, the missus wanted it and I probably overpaid, but seeing how I got the weights and a fax machine for a song it all evened out...

One thing I have noticed with all you former rowers- and on the new team there are FIVE former collegiate rowers- (dude, I'm the small guy?)
is the maniacal determination to
a- inflict pain
b- suck the pain in like a milkshake and revel in it.

Gawd, I could use some of that!

I think I'm gonna get on it more in 09.
Maybe start tracking some watts.
It's got to make me a better prisoner, I mean man.

Rowing away thinking about Mariah Carey and looking out the window of my cell, I mean garage.