Thursday, March 20, 2008


Sprint number 9- time to go home. Really, number 8 not looking too good either. I'd really like to pop off twelve of these with no drop off in power before the season ends in April .

Good times in the headwind with a buddy that needed to just ride fast and let a few things go....

400 meters can be a long long ways sometimes.


Ron Castia said...

I think I see the problem.
Your heart rate is flat lined.

Gianni said...

I usually don't even wear a HR strap for these, really no point.

I do the recovery at the bottom of my threshold wattage, though.

Much much harder keeping that up after each one than rolling around easy and gasping.

Embrace the pain....

Ron Castia said...

Initially I was joking, but with more thought I would recommend using the HR to gauge recovery.
Use the Power for the interval and the HR to make sure you are recovering enough for the next interval.
If the HR doesn't get down you might be too fatigued to get what you need out of the intervals, or you may need to increase the recovery interval to let the HR drop.

Just a thought.

X Bunny said...

you all make me feel so retro

i do my sprints naked

(calm down, figuratively speaking, of course)

Gianni said...

I really just like to be reminded how mediocre and average I am :-)

XB has a great point- sprinting is what it is, nothing will replace great form and savagery.

Oh, and genes help as well....

I think the long sprints are kind of like long toss work in baseball...
200m doesn't hurt so bad when crunch time shows up.

X Bunny said...

i'm trying to lengthen my sprint distance just a bit

it is amazing how hard it is to just add 1-2 seconds on the end

and i still have 3 more i want to eventually add