Saturday, October 18, 2008

A race in Livermore

originally uploaded by ncnca_kc.
LARPD today, tiny race in the A's.

Too bad because the course was really good.

But those that were there fought it out hard and to the bitter.

In the end it came down to a Lobster, a Beer, and a Spiderman.

Classy move by the Lobster to wait for the Beer after a mishap on the quintuple barrier a few laps in.
Good stuff and I'm bummed to miss Mclaren tommorrow.

photo by Casey Kerrigan- thanks!


russellp said...

Way to go!

I pulled out of the SS race before I got in the way--my knee was turning into a grapefruit after my digger/handlebar bash in the sand, and I need to save something for McLaren tomorrow. Great course, great result! (Never mind the wee field.)

Ron Castia said...

Good racing out there Gianni.

Russell, take care of the knee.

Gianni said...

Good to see the both of you, and Russell, I want Mclaren reports, so far it sounds tough!

I was thinking about how good that course was the Shane put out there, how much work he did on it- a damn shame more folks didn't come out.

Good turns, lots of tape and spiraling turns, and some nice sand that got real tricky if you weren't paying attention.

Not so Mountain Bikey but there are lots of MTB race courses out there- cool to see a 10 foot lane with more than one tiny crappy line through it- it makes for a different race.

I'm going to try to come out for both next week-we will see....