Friday, February 01, 2008


I've been trying some new things with the training this spring- very time limited, so the intensity has been up.... well, that's a rather vague term, actually.

I've been experimenting with blocks of threshold followed by one or two days off, it's been exceptionally productive. While I never had a power meter before, and only got tested once in a blue moon, which means I have no real numbers to go by in the past, but I do believe in learning to listen to your body, and the legs are beginning to feel good, starting to feel some souplesse while turning the pedals.
A damn fine feeling for riding so little.
I love to spend hours just riding, believe in doing hours of suffering in the hills lugging my 81 kg's around and attend the church of the Two-Wheel most Sundays.

Hopefully this summer I'll be able to get out there in a meaningful way, but right now, this is a good good bang for the buck.

Paskenta will be a real test of my garage-riding abilities, the forecast is kind of a crapshoot, but it sounds like a bit of wet in store for us.I like that gravel road, idiot that I am.
Good thing the new bike isn't built up yet, not ready to defile it yet on that kind of day....

1 comment:

Ron Castia said...

Oh Yes, suffervals.

Wait until you see the sufferval bike I have ready to rock.
SS Cross bike fitted with a Williams 30x laced up to a SWEET Paul flipity-flop.

Change the 42 to a 46 up front, with the 16 out back. It's single speed road race time.