Saturday, February 16, 2008

Stupid oatmeal update

So, as well as the last recipe went over here
( probably because I followed someone else's lead on that one )

I went for it last night with kind of whatever I could find and stuck it in the crock-pot....

I usually like bananas, I like walnuts, and I like almond butter.

I was hoping for a banana- bread kind of concoction to fuel me out on the long ride today.....

No cigar.

Who would have thunk that bananas would look like a nasty tofu dog chunk after cooking for 8 hours on low?

Kind of a blackish sticky mess with nasty tofu dawg bits....

I'd post a pic but the camera officially died- I'm thinking about a D40 from Nikon, we're pretty casual photographers, but I hate shutter lag.
And my buddy's D50 was really fun to play with a few weekends ago.....

Rocky Hill recon tomm., yeah!

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