Sunday, July 01, 2007

Here's to your thin red line, I'm stepping over.

Climb To Kaiser, 2007

My first time at the ride/ race, and what a challenge.

We started in the dark following the CHP moto out through Clovis....

We got it going for a minute or two on the flats heading out, but I couldn't get enough help to really make a dent in the speed, so relaxed and took pics/ pulled occasionally, got out of the way when the real action started.

I had some minor mechanical issues that Tri-Sport mechanics were able to help me with at the second aid station, thanks, guys, the bike worked flawlessly all day after!

And on that topic, the aid stations were excellent and the volunteers tireless, I got massages, popsicles, cold towels, and all the canteloupe and Perpetuem one could stomach :-)

This is halfway up Tollhouse Grade, I was feeling good here , only to start to bonk 30 minutes later.
I don't think Ron was even breathing hard :-)

With all the experience I have going long long, I still made the classic mistake of not riding within myself and eating enough.I guess I just got caught up in it all, but I dug a nice hole for myself.

By the time we hit Shaver lake, I was concerned and had throttled back and ate , but while I caught the bonk early and was fueled up , with the heart and lungs ready to go, a series of vicious cramps started to tear me up and took me off the bike and ready to quit more than once.

Nome moved on, and I was going to go back to Shaver, but started to think about driving home with a DNF, and decided to go on and just see.....

Nome's buddy Tom was along shortly, and he and I rode together for the remainder of the day.

This is Big Creek, the monster climb of climbs.

I was cramping bad here , but got up by paperboying and standing.

Somehow standing was better than sitting, although standing for 8 miles is kind of hard on the rest of ya....

A little snack and I tackled the last big climb up Kaiser, which wasn't that bad, except coming at 80 miles.

The best aid station up there, these massage guys helped me out immensely.

Time for some of the longest, nicest descents around.

Too bad my legs were still locking up.

The last aid station was getting hot, but the cold popsicles were fantastic.

The cramping left for the most part and all the easy riding spent babying my legs over the climbs gave me plenty of gas to pull a big group home.

The post race BBQ was oh- so excellent!
My legs hurt still today in a bad way, that ride truly humbled me.
To envision riding it in 8 and a half hours is unbelievable.
Maybe next year I can come back and challenge myself, although all this distance training is tough on the family, I like the 45-60 minute races!


Anonymous said...

At least you didn't start a land war in Asia.......

That would have been bad.

I'm glad you stuck it out and finished.

I have packed it in and thats no fun because belive it or not your legs still hurt the next day. :)


Gianni said...

I really really hate to walk away.

The unanswered questions last much longer than the soreness.

And a tandem ride to Coldstone Creamery with Little C fixed most of the lingering soreness :-)

Chico Cyclist said...

Man, you guys amaze me - I can't imagine doing that ride bonking and cramping......and then to have mechanicals too. Teach me your ways Coach Gianni!!! Way to go you guys! Great job. And Mark - what a stud!!!

Ron Castia said...

You have to admit, there is nothing like a Dawn Patrol ride out in the Central Valley.
In a sick and twisted way, I think that is my favorite part of the ride. I just wish I could get more people to want to whoop it up at the beginning. A group of about 10 rotating in the dead cool air would be the Bomb!

Ron Castia said...

Kaiser fitness must have been kicking in, you went up PPas pretty well.
Well enough to hang on to an E-4 maybe even an E-3 pack.

Gianni said...

Much work to do......

Much work still.

Sweet JAysus it wuz hot out there Wednesday.

I spent the rest of the day recovering and BBQing.

Good stuff.

Groove Talking... said...

Good job guys, you won't ever get me out to do that ride! I would be out there for at least two days.

Groove Talking... said...

Check out my blog, I have a video of Dyllan rocking out.