Saturday, April 28, 2007

Send the pain below

Finally some nice weather, a little acclimatization going on for me, I rode home over Redwood yesterday on the crosser and had to stop at a markey in Castro Valley for 2 paydays and some water, still had a headache all night even slugging water like crazy, but thank got for paydays, cheap and almost the same nutritional profile as a energy bar for half the price.
Today I hit the early WOT ride and enjoyed the entire ICCC cat 3 team hammering towards Berkeley, till I flatted and had to reaarange the plans a little.
Rode around until 9 and caught the second version, but after descending Dublin Canyon, found that the paving contractor had closed the road to bikes, and how screwed is that, especially if you rode all day like out from the east bay and were trying to get home to Oakland and didn't really feel like retracing your route, then climbing Norris/ Palomares.And they are letting cars through, kind of bullshit IMHO.
Anyway, this threw the bunch into disarray and I opted to ride with a teamie over Diablo to WC back to the pad, ending up with 95 miles, the last 15 or so getting slower and slower,very charming to have a Boulevard Stalker suck my wheel for 5 miles down and when I finally sit up and move over to share a little of my bonking pain, attack me like he's winning the Ronde De Danville or sumpthin and ride 300 meters in front all the way to Danville.
Mr. Freshly Showered No Sock Dude , that was a chump move, but no worries, if that floats yer boat, have a nice day and all that.
Turkey chili with cornbread crumbled over it is a great recovery food, and the afternoon watching Amstel Gold and the ToG was real nice stuff.

Looking forward to the reports from the Firestone and the Madera pain fest, tommorrow it's onto the MTB for a little bit, we have this race coming up and I want to do us proud....
Already 1200.00 bucks in the bucket, we are doing excellent and it warms my heart to see the generosity from people.
Now to figure out a theme for the campsite.....


Johnny GoFast said...

How to give, man? I can throw some money your way for the cause.

Gianni said...

JS, thanks!

You just click on Make a Contribution in the lower half of the donation page.
You can pick a multiple of 24 or whatever amount you like.
LEt me know if you would prefer to send a check and I can e-mail you a snail mail address.

Thanks again for the help!

Ron Castia said...

I am in on that when the man gives me my mula on payday.

Jim from Kenda will be there, be sure to do him proud.

Johnny GoFast said...

Donation made. GoFast during the race and on the cure.

John Mundelius

Gianni said...

I will do my best at both.

Chico Cyclist said...

Theme at the Campsite......I still like the Breaking Away Cutters theme......but heck.....I'll have to keep thinking.....

Gianni said...

only if we all ride those crazy cutter bikes all night...