Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Just a Little Bit....

The break is over and the work has begun again, it feels great to build a schedule and plan and dream, anything is possible at the beginning of a season, before life and genetics foul it up :-)

I actually took a week off the blogs as well, spent some time in cold drizzly LA, running some and eating lots of great Japanese food, but just letting the mind recover and allowing the fire to build was so worth it..

Sprints tonight felt great, we have a tiny group out here in pleasanton on Wednesdays and I try to think of new and devious ways to amuse ourselves... tonight was small ring restriction for all the grownups and our one Junior phenom gets to use whatever she wants, nice to spin the legs out and keep some snap in them,
The strength program is morphing as well, moving more and more to developing speed and power as opposed to big beach muscles that are useless when that gawdammn runup shows it's face in November at Watsonville, mmm, watsonville.

Actually commuted last week on the SS, but need a bigger front ring, it took 2 hours to go 25 miles, so four hours of riding on a SS was a little much, especially after digging ditches all day, I had to stop and eat a couple of vegan trail mix cookies on the way home as I was running on fumes, but still real cool to commute again after a 5 year layoff, even for only one day. I'm thinking a 42 ring if I can dig one up and a 15 track cog spun onto the back will tighten up my hack pedaling stroke a little and help me get some much needed training hours in a busy week.

Hope you all enjoy the Otter, I'm hard at work on call this weekend, but I look forward to the reports and perhaps I can carve out a little time to catch some island stories soon ....



diskzero said...

Larry's crazy Australian pursuit might add some fun to your next session, if you have enough people.

X Bunny said...

it's never too late to train for the runup at w-ville

X Bunny said...

i meant 'early' not late


~ lauren said...

commuting = awesome!

commuting on a single speed = wow!

Gianni said...

Disky- the Australian Pursuit sounds like fun, also I would like to figure out some bridging exercises.
Possibly some more skills stuff, we had our whole team camp over there, so I know there are endless possibilities.
XB- I think I like "never too late" better, a little cryptic, which suits me fine today..
and Lauren, if you can ride across the dang bay, I can cruise up a bike path or two :-)

Gianni said...

techno music is not far behind......

~ lauren said...

hey gianni!

as we were leaving in the car last night i put 2 and 2 together and finally realized that you were this gianni!

i think ali at one point called you gianni and it didn't click till afterwards.

fun to hang out with you! i wish i woulda put it together before we left.