Sunday, February 11, 2007

The underwater boogie

A few things that interest me-

Perpetuem looks just like Krusteaz pancake mix and tastes like it too.

How much sand and water can ones' eyes hold after riding in the rain all weekend? I'm still wiping out goobers and it's been 24 hours.

Biting off more than one can chew- my motto for life.

Trading pulls with pro tri-guys- dumb.

The mind says yes but the body sobs no.

Holes underwater are still holes.

I like racing in driving rain.

Maybe those six free sessions of EAP at work would help with this.


Groove Talking... said...

Hi Mr. Gianni, how's it going????

Ran into your lovely wife at Trader Joes the other day, we all should get together for dinner and fun!

Gianni said...


Nome needs to make those reservations for Shasta.

X Bunny said...

we had to run our defroster all the way home cuz everything was so wet inside